Removal of trees is never the first choice, however the existing elm trees along 12 Street SE need to be removed to allow space to safely work on the realignment of a major sanitary forcemain owned by the City of Calgary. Movement of the forcemain from within the highway right-of-way is required as Deerfoot Trail is being expanded.

Tree removal is scheduled to begin the evening of March 19, 2025. This work is scheduled to occur at night to minimize traffic disruption during the day as well as parking and business operation impacts. Once begun, this activity is anticipated to last for approximately one week.

Construction of the sanitary forcemain is expected to begin in late April 2025. Following completion of tree removal, the contractor will be focused on gathering materials and other preparatory work required prior to the start of the sanitary forcemain relocation.  

While the trees do not exhibit Dutch elm disease, in compliance with Alberta’s Dutch elm disease prevention and control requirements, all felled elm trees must be completely removed and destroyed prior to March 31.

Planting of trees within Calgary is under the care and control of the City of Calgary. The decision on where future trees will be planted will be made by the City of Calgary following completion of the project.

As part of this project, the City of Calgary is being compensated for tree removal along 12 Street SE. The City of Calgary is committed to investing in the business area with landscaping and will look to incorporate new trees into the area.

The Province of Alberta owns Deerfoot Trail and is leading the work of construction on the Deerfoot Trail Improvements project. The sanitary forcemain is owned and operated/maintained by the City of Calgary.

Alignment options were assessed considering factors such as constructability, operational effectiveness, environment and other risks, and future restoration/maintenance access. The 12 Street SE route for relocating the sanitary forcemain into City of Calgary road right-of-way was identified as the best overall option.

Once begun, work to relocate the sanitary forcemain is expected to last for several months, through the 2025 construction season.

During construction noise, dust, shifting traffic patterns, on street parking restrictions and business access changes will be experienced for the duration of the project.  The project team will work closely with the contractor to mitigate these disruptions where possible.

Given the proximity to Deerfoot Trail, the City of Calgary is working closely with the Deerfoot Trail Improvements Team regarding this work. Questions can be directed to the project email:

The Deerfoot Trail Improvements Team will ensure inquiries are forwarded to the appropriate City liaison regarding work on 12 Street SE as part of the utility relocation.

The contractor is working closely with the City of Calgary to manage traffic during construction, consistent with the City’s traffic accommodation and street-use permitting regulations. Access to businesses will be maintained during construction.

Details regarding traffic pattern changes and closures will be shared throughout the project, as details are known.

Please follow local signage and drive with care.

During tree removal there will be temporary impacts to on street parking where the crews are working.

Once construction of the sanitary forcemain begins, on-street parking will be removed for the duration of the project. Removal of on street parking is required to allow space for construction crews and equipment to access the area and complete the work.

Parking lots for most of the adjacent businesses are not expected to be impacted. Businesses where specific impacts may occur will be contacted on an individual basis over the course of the project.

Please be mindful of and obey onsite signage and traffic accommodations. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to complete these complex, multi-year improvements.